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17-141B203CA3A0621540E.png anaesthesia-lingerie-animal-ads.jpeg BCS_ sheep.jpg Caudal Epidural Anaesthesia in Sheep (Regional Anaesthetic Techniques).htm Caudal epidural in small ruminants.png COMPLICATIONS.docx DISTAL PARAVERTEBRAL BLOCK.docx Drug Calculations for Practical Anaesthesia Lab.docx EPIDURAL BLOCK.docx Fluids and Anesthesia.docx images (1).jpg INVERTED L BLOCK.docx Inveted L block.png IV Fluid Therapy During Anaesthesia.url jugular distention.jpg Lidocaine Drug Info.docx Paravertebral block in Ruminants.url physical exam of small ruminants.url PROXIMAL PARAVERTBRAL NERVE BLOCK.docx Proximal paravertebral nerve block.png Reasons for Using the Caudal Epidural Nerve Block.docx Regional Anaesthesia.png REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA.docx ruminants4.jpg sheep halter.jpg sheep restraint.png SIDE EFFECTS OF XYLAZINE IN RUMINANTS.docx Small Ruminant Physical Exam.url THINGS TO MONITOR IN THE PATIENT.docx