IHMC Public Cmaps

        McGill Library
                Resources for UAV motion planning.cmap
                UAV Path Planning

                    An evolution based path planning algorithm for autonomous motion of a UAV through uncertain environments.url
                    Autonomous exploration in unknown urban environments for unmanned aerial vehicles.pdf
                    A Vision-Based Guidance System for UAV Navigation.pdf
                    Efficient Two-phase 3D Motion Planning for Small Fixed-wing UAVs.url
                    Meshing and Simplification of High Resolution Urban Surface Data for UAV Path Planning.pdf
                    Multi-objective four-dimensional vehicle motion planning in large dynamic environments.pdf
                    Online world modeling and path planning for an unmanned helicopter.pdf
                    Optimal robot path planning using the minimum time critirion.pdf
                    Path Planning for UAVs - radar sites stealth VS path length tradeoff via ODEs.pdf
                    Path Planning Strategies for UAVS in 3D Environments.pdf
                    Path planning with multiple objectives.pdf
                    Randomized Kinodynamic Planning.pdf
                    Strategies of Path-Planning for a fixed wing UAV to track a GV.pdf
                    UAV path planning for maximum visibility of ground targets in an urban area.pdf
                    Visual-Inertial UAV Attitude Estimation Using Urban Scene Regularities.pdf