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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: clinical statement description model, SVO linguistic constructions consists of person (subject), concepts connected by linking phrases, SVO linguistic constructions consists of asserts (verb), contextual description may include temporal context, deterministic may be qualitative, contextual description may include subject, clinical encounter statements organized by population (cohort), contextual description may include place, evidentiary elements may include supporting or confirming evidence, quantitative may include observational context, logical propositions must include linking phrases, clinical encounter statements organized by individual (subject), measurement must include magnitude, quantitative may include measurement, measurement must include measurement context, assertions may be probablistic or nondeterministic, probablistic or nondeterministic may be predictive or hypothetical, assertions may be deterministic, probablistic or nondeterministic may be descriptive, clinical encounter statements are assertions