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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Exploratory Laparotomy, Lidocaine To minimise pain felt at surgical site, Uses of right flank exploration include SI sx, EXPLORATORY LAPOROTOMY IN SHEEP-RIGHT FLANK APPROACH ???? POST-OPERATIVE, EXPLORATORY LAPOROTOMY IN SHEEP-RIGHT FLANK APPROACH ???? INTRA-OPERATIVE, EXPLORATORY LAPOROTOMY IN SHEEP-RIGHT FLANK APPROACH ???? COMPLICATIONS, Penicillin /Streptomycin All invasive procedures pose a risk of bacteria entering the body via the surgical site, INTRA-OPERATIVE SURGICAL PROCEDURE 2, Uses of right flank exploration include Nephrectomy, Tetanus Antitoxin Given as a precaution for sheep & goats, Xylazine Sedation / Muscle Relaxation of the anxious animal, Uses of right flank exploration include Caecal dilatation/torsion, COMPLICATIONS include Intra-operative collapse, Uses of right flank exploration include Biopsies, INTRA-OPERATIVE includes CONSIDERATIONS, What drugs are available to you, with best effects for the given procedure? USES Sedation / Muscle Relaxation of the anxious animal, EXPLORATORY LAPOROTOMY IN SHEEP-RIGHT FLANK APPROACH ???? USES, Flunixin Meglumine As with all surgical procedures, it is painful so analgesia is a must, INTRA-OPERATIVE SURGICAL PROCEDURE 1, Uses of right flank exploration include Ovariectomy, Uses of right flank exploration include Diagnostic exploratory