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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: lroberts social cognition's role in cognitive development, Theory of mind: understanding that others have beliefs and desires independently from our own allows for opportunities for increasingly meaningful mediation that meets student's needs, Theory of mind: understanding that others have beliefs and desires independently from our own or Sophisticated "ringleader" bullying/antisocial behavior, Ability to imitate leads to Metarepresentation, Empathy for self and others allows for Self-efficacy/Motivation, Language however if Language or sociocultural differences from learning environment, Language allows opportunity to learn and express Metarepresentation, Decreased opportunities for meaningful mediation in context of student/student relationship, Development of pretend play practices for Metarepresentation, Decreased opportunities for meaningful mediation thereby Student's learning needs are not met, Language or sociocultural differences from learning environment may be moderated by Empathy for self and others, Self-efficacy/Motivation increases chances for opportunities for increasingly meaningful mediation that meets student's needs, Infant Psychological Mechanisms of gaze following, joint attention and monitoring of goal directed actions and intentions develop into Ability to imitate, Development of pretend play allows for Language, Metarepresentation forms Theory of mind: understanding that others have beliefs and desires independently from our own, Activation of mirror neurons (may be missing in people with autism "mind blind") may serve as the biological basis for Infant Psychological Mechanisms of gaze following, joint attention and monitoring of goal directed actions and intentions, Empathy for self and others allows for opportunities for increasingly meaningful mediation that meets student's needs, Sophisticated "ringleader" bullying/antisocial behavior unrewarding interactions Decreased opportunities for meaningful mediation, "Passive learner"/"Damaged Learner" self efficacy, motivation decreases Decreased opportunities for meaningful mediation, opportunities for increasingly meaningful mediation that meets student's needs in context of student/teacher relationship, Lack of connection with teacher/content not socioculturally relevant leads to Student tunes out information that does not have personal meaning