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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Sharon Hann Final Cmap, tridactic recoprocality model of causality which links environment, Situated Cognition holds that learners operate in Communities of practice, Behavioural holds that research must be based on measurable data, memorization of information is not meaningful learning connection long term memory, Discovery Learning connection knowledge is constructed (and reconstructed), Constructivist holds that knowledge is constructed (and reconstructed), activity of persons acting in a setting (lived practices) therefore learning is context specific, activity is the unit of study includes actions, Connectivist holds that the internet has changed how we process information, Negative Reinforcement subjects repeat behaviour that aleviates discomfort, learning is context specific connection culture & social interaction are imp. to learning, storage of knowledge as procedural, Vygotsky agreed instruction is essential to learning, tridactic recoprocality model of causality which links person, humans learn by obeservation language is learned by rule learning and observation, Discovery Learning which leads to Meaningful Learning, held within network (internet or database) which is physically separate from society, Leontev, Vygotsky, Luria connection Vygotsky, activity is the unit of study includes subject, focus on internal processes rather than stimulus- response