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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Concept Map Draft 2, Computer Analogy KNowledge is held Schema, Positive & Negative Reinforcements ???? Overt Behavior, Long Term Memory- Most is out of Consciousness Contents activited from Working Memory- Considered more Active Learning (Short Term Memory), Long Term Memory- Most is out of Consciousness ???? Procedural Knowledge- How to do something, Stimulus and Response Controlled by Human Learners are blank Slates, Retention- Working and Long Term Memory underlies Observation Learning Observation & Effective Modeling of Behaviorrs, Attitudes, Emotional Reactions., Environment Part of Triadic Model, Cognitive Theory infromation processor Computer Analogy, Motivation underlies Observation Learning Observation & Effective Modeling of Behaviorrs, Attitudes, Emotional Reactions., Social Learning Congnition part of Personal Beliefs, Mechanistic in Nature Animals observation in Stimulus and Response, Positive & Negative Reinforcements Indirect Observation & Effective Modeling of Behaviorrs, Attitudes, Emotional Reactions., Stimulus and Response information transferred to Human Learners are blank Slates, ???? type of Observation & Effective Modeling of Behaviorrs, Attitudes, Emotional Reactions., Declaritive Knowledge- Factual or Conceptual Knowledge Potentially affects Procedural Knowledge- How to do something, Long Term Memory- Most is out of Consciousness ???? Declaritive Knowledge- Factual or Conceptual Knowledge, Retention- Working and Long Term Memory stems from Social Learning Congnition, Schemata stored in Long Term Memory- Most is out of Consciousness, Cognitive Theory Bridges Social Learning Congnition, Environment External Forces of Positive & Negative Reinforcements