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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lung cancer, Neutropenia (17.3) requires G-CSF injections QD, Dilaudid influences constipation, myelosuppression causing anemia (hgb 100), spinal cord compression causing increased back pain, anorexia influences cancer related fatigue, pain causing increased back pain, dyspnea requires -SpO2, CXR, BW. CT -functional assessment (ADLs, SOBOE) -, radiation therapy (external) has potential side effects ????, anorexia influences delirium, ???? influencing anorexia, metastasis leading to brain metastasis, dyspnea ???? -dec. QOL -inability to perform ADLs -activity intolerance -, anorexia influences family distress, advanced disease causing emotional burden, myelosuppression causing Neutropenia (17.3), Cancer diagnosis for Mrs. J of non small cell lung cancer (Stage IIIB) (Yoder), prognosis influences Treatment (palliative) (Tyson), advanced disease causing inability to cope with deteriorating condition, alopecia potential for body image distortion, non small cell lung cancer (Stage IIIB) (Yoder) ???? prognosis