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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ProposalNSF, What qualities of feedback lead to greater achievement in math and science middle school classrooms? Type Feedback can address the task information, process information and/or self-regulation or metacognition. These different types of feedback have been found to determine the effect on learning with process being more effective in moving toward deeper understanding of a concept than simply feedback that provides task - knowledge about results (H&T, 2007 p. 93, Balzer, 1989; Earley et al., 1990 ) Hattie also identifies an important interaction between task and process feedback in which task feedback promotes confidence which is need to adopt new strategies., Why is this important for STEM? Set up the context.. ???? What is the problem: What feedback qualities lead low performing students to greater achievement in middle school science classrooms? Can the qualities of feedback that lead to greater science achievement be identified across cultures and educational systems or are they unique to culture?, Formative assessment differs from summative assessment in that it informs the instruction, is a part of an ongoing process and is often unplanned such as a teachers sudden change in activities in order to learn more about students' recently exposed misconception. (Sadler, 1989) ???? Formative Assessment explain what it is, how it is used in a classroom, its usefulness in terms of moving students toward greater achievement., Step 1 Identify 16 classroom units A classroom unit is comprised of 1) One math or science teacher 2) Students who have improved in their academic achievement in science. (Include students who have not improved in science achievement as well.) 3) Parents and/or caregivers of the students ???? Step 2 What is the plan? 1) Collect teacher interview data to capture feedback practices including rate, persistance and timeliness. Allow room for teachers to contribute their understanding of what qualitites of feedback lead to student improvement in science achievement. 2) Collect interview data from parents to better understand contextual factors beyond school, including how equipped caregivers are to offer feedback and how much feedback they contribute to improvement in their child's achievement. Use the family to identify any other sources of feedback that move the child closer to achievement. 3) Collect measures that capture student improvement in science achievement, including classroom scores over the year and standardized measures., Identify the questions ???? The questions that loom: Building on initial work identifying the qualities of teacher feedback in American, middle school science classrooms, questions remain. Does this pilot coding generalize to another cultural context or are there practices that are unique to culture and can they be incorporated. Additionally, what qualities of feedback practices in a new social context correlate with improvement in student achievement., Outcome feedback is also called knowledge of results and carries no other information with it. Provides no information about how to self-regulate, (Butler & Winne, 1995). Try to use few terms - we need to sort out all the terms people use and put in ways that are easy for readers to follow. ???? Feedback can address the task information, process information and/or self-regulation or metacognition. These different types of feedback have been found to determine the effect on learning with process being more effective in moving toward deeper understanding of a concept than simply feedback that provides task - knowledge about results (H&T, 2007 p. 93, Balzer, 1989; Earley et al., 1990 ) Hattie also identifies an important interaction between task and process feedback in which task feedback promotes confidence which is need to adopt new strategies., Teacher feedback Teacher feedback is defined as the information teachers supply to move students toward better understanding and greater function. Here, we would like to suggest that teacher feedback is the remnant of an interactive process between teacher and must include the teacher's Teacher feedback has been identified in the literature as key to impacting student learning. (Hattie, 1977) “Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but its impact can be either positive or negative”(Hattie & Timperley, 2007), Look for interaction between student level and teacher feedback type and quality ???? ????, Context: Here is the discussion of contextual factors that make the measurement issue more complex. Recent literature has pressed for greater consideration of student factors and teacher practices that take into account the level achievement of the student and learnign goals. A challenge in developing models that capture the feedback practices of teachers improving student achievement involves creating models that can be used across with all levels of learners across cultures and contexts. What is the solution? The solution to the problem of delivering science and math education to low performing students can be approached as a measurement challenge. Literature has identified formative assessment and specifically feedback as key to improving student learning. What is needed now is an understanding as to what qualities of feedback lead to the improved performance of students struggling in math and science. By identifying the qualities of feedback that move struggling students toward higher levels of achievment a model can be developed that in order to provide recommdenations for teachers and administrators. In addition, this model can be used to identify the the qualities of feedback that correlate with improved performance in math and science across cultures and contexts., Teacher feedback Teacher feedback is defined as the information teachers supply to move students toward better understanding and greater function. Here, we would like to suggest that teacher feedback is the remnant of an interactive process between teacher and must include the teacher's ? What is the solution? The solution to the problem of delivering science and math education to low performing students can be approached as a measurement challenge. Literature has identified formative assessment and specifically feedback as key to improving student learning. What is needed now is an understanding as to what qualities of feedback lead to the improved performance of students struggling in math and science. By identifying the qualities of feedback that move struggling students toward higher levels of achievment a model can be developed that in order to provide recommdenations for teachers and administrators. In addition, this model can be used to identify the the qualities of feedback that correlate with improved performance in math and science across cultures and contexts., The questions that loom: Building on initial work identifying the qualities of teacher feedback in American, middle school science classrooms, questions remain. Does this pilot coding generalize to another cultural context or are there practices that are unique to culture and can they be incorporated. Additionally, what qualities of feedback practices in a new social context correlate with improvement in student achievement. What is the plan? The plan involves collecting data from four sources: 1) teacher interview 2) classroom obs/video 3) samples of student work 4) parents' interview. Interview of students? It might be more relevant to do so than interviewing papents. Step 1 Identify 16 classroom units A classroom unit is comprised of 1) One math or science teacher 2) Students who have improved in their academic achievement in science. (Include students who have not improved in science achievement as well.) 3) Parents and/or caregivers of the students, What is the problem: What feedback qualities lead low performing students to greater achievement in middle school science classrooms? Can the qualities of feedback that lead to greater science achievement be identified across cultures and educational systems or are they unique to culture? ???? Formative Assessment explain what it is, how it is used in a classroom, its usefulness in terms of moving students toward greater achievement., What qualities of feedback lead to greater achievement in math and science middle school classrooms? Quantity Along with type of feedback as quality, consider the quantity of feedback! the provision of challenging assignments and extensive feedback lead to greater student engagement and higher achievement (Black and Wilian, 1998). Well, Jenny, BW paper isn't an empirical one. So you may want to find empirical studies backing up your claim here., What is the solution? The solution to the problem of delivering science and math education to low performing students can be approached as a measurement challenge. Literature has identified formative assessment and specifically feedback as key to improving student learning. What is needed now is an understanding as to what qualities of feedback lead to the improved performance of students struggling in math and science. By identifying the qualities of feedback that move struggling students toward higher levels of achievment a model can be developed that in order to provide recommdenations for teachers and administrators. In addition, this model can be used to identify the the qualities of feedback that correlate with improved performance in math and science across cultures and contexts. Identify the questions, Formative Assessment explain what it is, how it is used in a classroom, its usefulness in terms of moving students toward greater achievement. Explain what it is, how it is used in a classroom, its usefulness in terms of moving students toward greater achievement., When formative assessment is made common classroom practice, student achievement improves (Fuchs and Fuchs, 1986; Sadler 1989, Black and Wiliam, 1998; Atkin, Black et al., 2001). ???? Formative Assessment explain what it is, how it is used in a classroom, its usefulness in terms of moving students toward greater achievement., Step 2 What is the plan? 1) Collect teacher interview data to capture feedback practices including rate, persistance and timeliness. Allow room for teachers to contribute their understanding of what qualitites of feedback lead to student improvement in science achievement. 2) Collect interview data from parents to better understand contextual factors beyond school, including how equipped caregivers are to offer feedback and how much feedback they contribute to improvement in their child's achievement. Use the family to identify any other sources of feedback that move the child closer to achievement. 3) Collect measures that capture student improvement in science achievement, including classroom scores over the year and standardized measures. ???? Use these data in the process of triangulation as well as in building a statistical model that explains the relationship between feedback and achievement and suggests recommendations for feedback qualities practices as a method to improve student achievement. Multivariate statistical methods will be employed as well as ethnographic results that anwer the questions regarding feedback in culture context., Teacher feedback Teacher feedback is defined as the information teachers supply to move students toward better understanding and greater function. Here, we would like to suggest that teacher feedback is the remnant of an interactive process between teacher and must include the teacher's Feedback can be encouragement from a parent, corrective action from a teacher, the ideas of a peer, even an alternative text that offers another strategy. (H&T, 2007) “Feedback, thus, is a consequence of performance”. (H&T, 2007), Teacher feedback has been identified in the literature as key to impacting student learning. (Hattie, 1977) “Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but its impact can be either positive or negative”(Hattie & Timperley, 2007) ???? What qualities of feedback lead to greater achievement in math and science middle school classrooms?, Use these data in the process of triangulation as well as in building a statistical model that explains the relationship between feedback and achievement and suggests recommendations for feedback qualities practices as a method to improve student achievement. Multivariate statistical methods will be employed as well as ethnographic results that anwer the questions regarding feedback in culture context. ???? What are the implications for the findings from this study? Huge! Huge! Huge! 1) The findings of this study holds great implications for struggling learners regarding the feedback practices that will move them toward greater achievement in science, math and may be applied to other disciplines. 2) Creating rhobust models that explain the relationship between feedback qualities and improved student achievement in math and science hold the potential to impact the restructuring of educational systems and learning environments into more responsive places where greater achievement is fostered. The implications for countries moving toward a population better educated in math and science improves the likelihood that humanitarian and environmental problems will be solved through new technologies. 3)Additionally, a greater understanding of the feedback qualities that lead to greater student achievement in math and science fosters socities that are more representative places where race and ethnicity or social class are independent, have no correlation, with professional status.