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Software examines each entry in the table using the mask in the entry to extract a prefix of address D and comparing the result to the... Destination field of the entry (mouse over info), Routing Table is used (mouse over info) because each destination corresponds to a network... The number of entries in a routing table is proportional to the number of networks in an internet, While it is occupied transfering octets... a network cannot... Transfer a user's data (mouse over info), Hardware Frame similar to a frame header... Datagram header contains information to route the datagram across the internet, Conventional Hardware frame formats cannon be used for internet packets (mouse over info) to accomodate heterogeneity... Internet must define a hardware-independent packet format, Routing software is given a datagram to forward also assume that the datagram contains... Destination IP address D, Some underlying hardware might misbehave. as a result... IP datagrams may be lost, duplicated, delayed, delivered out of order, or delivered with corruption data., Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Destination IP address (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Total Length (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Service type field (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Header checksum (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Type Field (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Time to Live (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Source IP Address (mouse over info), Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info) IP datagram header format Padding (mouse over info), Destination field of the entry (mouse over info) the computation is expressed as such... if ( ( Mask[i] & D ) ==Destination[i] ) forward to NextHop[i]; (mouse over info), Datagram can contain as little as a single octet of data or at most 64k octets in most datagrams... Header is much smaller than data area, Destination IP address D routing software must find an entry in the routing table... That specifies a next hop for D, Routing Table is used (mouse over info) IP routing table is slightly... Complex, Extracts destination address from the header and uses the destination address to determine... Next hop to send datagram to..., Both of the above services (mouse over info) through an internet a packet travels through a... Router from one network to another, That specifies a next hop for D to do so... Software examines each entry in the table using the mask in the entry to extract a prefix of address D, Datagram header contains information to route the datagram across the internet the address that appears in a datagram header... Differs from the address used in a frame header (mouse over info), Best-effort is used (mouse over info) IP tries to handle... Corruption of data, Best-effort is used (mouse over info) IP tries to handle... Delayed or out-of-order delivery, Best-effort is used (mouse over info) IP tries to handle... Datagram duplication, Best-effort is used (mouse over info) IP tries to handle... Datagram loss, Connection-oriented TCP/IP includes... Both of the above services (mouse over info), Provide a packet communication system that allows a program running on one computer to be able to send... Program running on another computer, Application programs remain unaware of the underlying physical networks they can send and receive data... Without knowing the details of the local network connection, remote network connection or interconnection between the two, Chapter 20 although IP is designed to operate over all types of network hardware... Some underlying hardware might misbehave., Router from one network to another to overcome heterogeneity... Internet protocl software defines an internet packet format (mouse over info), IP Datagram has the same general format as... Hardware Frame, Header is much smaller than data area datagram header represents overhead... While it is occupied transfering octets..., A routing table uses forwarding or routing to select a next hop for a given datagram to understand the mask... Routing software is given a datagram to forward, if ( ( Mask[i] & D ) ==Destination[i] ) forward to NextHop[i]; (mouse over info) the destination address in a datagram header... Refers to the ultimate destination, Router from one network to another in regard to format for an internet packet... Conventional Hardware frame formats cannon be used for internet packets (mouse over info), IP Datagram in order to forward an IP datagram... Router must follow several steps, Chapter 20 goal of internetworking... Provide a packet communication system that allows a program running on one computer, Refers to the ultimate destination when a router forwards the datagram to another router... Address of next hop does not appear in the datagram header, Complex several concerns: First: Destination field in each entry contains the network prefix of the destination network, Complex several concerns: Third: An IP address is used when the Next Hop field denotes a router, Complex several concerns: Second: An additional field in each entry contains an address mask that specifies which bit of the destination correspond to the network prefix, Unversal, Virtual packet (mouse over info) universal implies... Each host or router in an internet contains protocol software that understands internet packets, Internet Packets in addition to the format of internet datagrams Best-effort is used (mouse over info), IP Datagram to refer to... Internet Packets, Hardware Frame amount of data carried in a datagram... Is not fixed, Both of the above services (mouse over info) TCP/IP uses the name... IP Datagram, Router must follow several steps each router along path receives the datagram... Extracts destination address from the header, Program running on another computer in a well designed internet... Application programs remain unaware of the underlying physical networks, IP datagrams may be lost, duplicated, delayed, delivered out of order, or delivered with corruption data. to offset this... Higher layers of protocol software are required, IP Datagram current version of IP... (mouse over info) Datagram can contain as little as a single octet of data or at most 64k octets, Is not fixed size of datagram is determined by... Application that sends data (mouse over info), Internet protocl software defines an internet packet format (mouse over info) the result is... Unversal, Virtual packet (mouse over info), Router must follow several steps in addition to forwarding or routing... A routing table uses forwarding or routing to select a next hop for a given datagram, Provide a packet communication system that allows a program running on one computer a choice must be made as to how to deliver services... Connection-oriented, Provide a packet communication system that allows a program running on one computer a choice must be made as to how to deliver services... Connectionless, Connectionless TCP/IP includes... Both of the above services (mouse over info), Next hop to send datagram to... the router then forwards the datagram... To next hop, either the final destination or another router, To next hop, either the final destination or another router to make selection of next hop efficient... Routing Table is used (mouse over info), Connectionless is also an extension of... Packet-switching