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Furture use also considered Special IP address Address that are reserved and never used to be assigned to host computers, The network determination of bits will affect the network in many ways... Large Prefix bits = Smaller Suffix bits Small Prefix bits = Larger Suffix bits, Addresses that denote networks or set of computers these are known as... Special IP Addresses, Limited Broadcast Addresses refers to a broadcast on a local network... Limited to a "Single Wire", IP can also define a Directed Broadcast address there are also... Limited Broadcast Addresses, Internet Service Providers (ISP's) coordinate with a central organization... Internet Assigned Number Authority (mouse over info), Must know IP address which is broken down into binary code for computer language but for humans to understand we use... Dotted Decimal Notation, B (mouse over info) called... Primary classes, 32 bit value as a computer uses binary...humans use... CIDR Notation (mouse over info), There is "This Computer Address" in order to send packets over the network... Protocol must know its own IP address and IP address of destination, Classless addressing very closely related and allow arbitrary bit boundary...furthermore... Introduces Address Masks (mouse over info), Introduces Address Masks (mouse over info) why store boundary size as a bit mask... Computation becomes more efficient, Subnet Addressing very closely related and allow arbitrary bit boundary...furthermore... Introduces Address Masks (mouse over info), Customer can assign a host address this is known as... CIDR Host Addresses, Having a large Prefix = accomodating many networks = limits size of each network Having a small Prefix = accomodating fewer networks = each physical network can contain many computers in respect to addressing scheme... Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info), Internet Assigned Number Authority (mouse over info) furthermore, as Internet grew classful addressing scheme became limited...to avoid this... Subnet Addressing, Internet Assigned Number Authority (mouse over info) furthermore, as Internet grew classful addressing scheme became limited...to avoid this... Classless addressing, Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) has its own IP address hierarchy Network suffixes can be easily assigned locally without global coordinations, Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) has its own IP address hierarchy Each computer is assigned a unique address, Computation becomes more efficient in each computer each address mask is stored as... 32 bit value, Protocol software defines an abstract addressing scheme that assigns each host a unique protocol address in the TCP/IP stack addressing is specified by the... Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info), Dotted Decimal Notation dotted decimal work well with classful IP address... Because IP uses octet boundaries to separate an address into a prefix and suffix, Suffix (mouse over info) each computer is assigned a... Unique suffix on the network, Large Prefix bits = Smaller Suffix bits Small Prefix bits = Larger Suffix bits furthermore... Having a large Prefix = accomodating many networks = limits size of each network Having a small Prefix = accomodating fewer networks = each physical network can contain many computers, Dotted Decimal Notation each 8-bit section is separated by a dot... Total of 32 bits in address, Chapter 18 in order to provide uniform addressing in an internet... Protocol software defines an abstract addressing scheme that assigns each host a unique protocol address, IP can also define a Directed Broadcast address when a packet is sent over the Internet It hits all stations on the network...trying to find the right destination. However only the one that is meant to receive it can actually receive the packet, Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) whenever a packet is handled, IP software separates the destination address into prefix and suffix... Classful IP address are Self Identifying because the class of the address can be computed from the address itself, CIDR Notation (mouse over info) once an ISP assigns a customer a CIDR prefix... Customer can assign a host address, Network Applications during this process no packets leave the computer... IP software simply transfers packets from one application program to another, D (mouse over info) is used for... Multicasting, Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) companies that provide IP address and Internet Connections... Internet Service Providers (ISP's), Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) each 32-bit IP address is divided into two parts... Suffix (mouse over info), Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) each 32-bit IP address is divided into two parts... Prefix (mouse over info), Prefix (mouse over info) is unique to... The network, Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) different classes of IP addressing... C (mouse over info), Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) different classes of IP addressing... B (mouse over info), Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) different classes of IP addressing... D (mouse over info), Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) different classes of IP addressing... A (mouse over info), Classful IP addressing divides IP address into three primary classes...each class having different size prefix and suffix (mouse over info) different classes of IP addressing... E (mouse over info), E (mouse over info) is reserved for... Furture use, Because IP uses octet boundaries to separate an address into a prefix and suffix the IP class scheme does not divide the 32-bit address into equal size classes... Classes do not contain the same number of networks, Chapter 18 in the event that a connection is lost from the Internet... System is designed to have alternate connection route or secondary connections..., A (mouse over info) called... Primary classes, System is designed to have alternate connection route or secondary connections... this secondary connections is... Multi-Homed hosts (mouse over info), CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... Berkeley Broadcast Address Form, CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... There is "This Computer Address", CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... Loopback address, CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... Routers and the IP Addressing Principle (mouse over info), CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... IP can also define a Directed Broadcast address, CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... Addresses that denote networks or set of computers, CIDR Host Addresses in addition to assigning addresses to each computer... Addresses can refer to the network itself...as seen in network addresses, C (mouse over info) called... Primary classes, Loopback address used to test Network Applications, Unique suffix on the network determination of bits will affect the network in many ways... Large Prefix bits = Smaller Suffix bits Small Prefix bits = Larger Suffix bits, Internet Protocol (IP) (mouse over info) in order to transmit to another computer on the Internet... Must know IP address, Berkeley Broadcast Address Form similar to directed broadcast address except... Host suffix contains all zeroes, Classful IP address are Self Identifying because the class of the address can be computed from the address itself utilize leading bits to denote an address class instead of using a range of values... Used to examine the bits faster and decrease computation time