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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: The Use of Antimicrobials in Veterinary Medicine, KNOW THE DRUG.... based on Clinical Efficacy, Signalment, Presenting Complaint, History, Use of other therapies and their success or failure. ???? Distance Examination of animal, Make a list of differential diagnoses and decide whether or not antimicrobial use is needed HOW DO I KNOW WHICH AM TO USE? Why do you want to use AMS?, Uses of AM in animals as well as Prophylaxis, Gram + ???? Anaerobic, Empirical Approach:Treating the common bacterial agents that occur commonly in a given situation. use of.... Memory and Trial and Error, Responsible use of antimicrobials 6. Routine use of AM considered to be important in treating resistant infections in humans and animals should be absolutely avoided, Antimicrobial Resistance how Strategies, How are AM used in animals for Treatment of disease, Responsible use of antimicrobials 5. If combination of AM use is necessary, care should be taken to choose rational combinations, Strategies via Preventing Access, KNOW THE ANIMAL.... KNOW... CONTRAINDICATIONS, CONTRAINDICATIONS based on ALLERGIC REACTIONS, How are AM used in animals for Prevention of disease, Spectrum of Activity may be Narrow, Responsible use of antimicrobials 3. Prophylactic use should generally be avoided, DESIRED EFFECT can be BACTERIOSTATIC, Empirical Approach:Treating the common bacterial agents that occur commonly in a given situation. use of.... "STAT", Compliments of BAYER, THE RATIONALE FOR THE USE OF ANTIMICROBIALS IN VETERINARY MEDICINE. Guidelines to good AM use, What the Vet must know before use of AM. Signalment, Presenting Complaint, History, Use of other therapies and their success or failure.
Concentration Dependent Graph
Rational combinations
Use of Antimicrobials in Food Producing Animals
Time Dependent
Steps to Antimicrobial Therapy
8 point plan
Guidelines to good AM stewardship
Designing a Dosing Regimen
Principle of combination Therapy
Rational antimicrobial combinations
Spectrum of activity of drugs
Spectrum of Activity
Mechanism of Action 2
Mechanism of Action 1
Clinical Efficacy
Clinical Efficacy of drugs